Tuesday, January 10, 2006

all of us are obsessed.

this obsession is the basis of many things tt exist today.

things we speak, things we do, write, all.. to feed this ever present desire.

why else would we desire to be the best, most vocal, most talented, most wise person.

it goes beyond pride, because i belive pride is a result of this, and is but weak.

we r ALL insecure, ALL scared, of 1 main thing..

to be remembered

thus we try 2 do evryting, mostly unknowingly, to have this idea, tt we have left a mark in society, in the world, and in the space of ppl's hearts, tt we will b cherished in people's memories 4 generations to come.

everyone, all obsessed.

fearful of being forgotten

we use blogs, graffiti, clothes, music to attempt to leave a mark.

life is damn short, but noes, mayb ur memory will last long aft u.

mayb tt explains suicides, can't find ur space in the physical world, therefore u leave a mark in memory, by doing something tt makes ppl sit up an take notice.

ur non-existance will ensure tt u r alwaes ard in memory.

mayb we're all crazy.

those tt succeed, do so unwittingly, by being themselves, ensure a respected place in history, and the minds of otrs.

but those tt fight 4 it, try an grab it forcefully, onli loses all, like sand slipping through ur fingers.
or r remembered 4 d wrong tings, cuz falsity nevers stands d test of time.

there is nth new under the sun

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